
Swell Scenes

Founder, Designer, Web Dev

2023 – Current

In collaboration with the creative minds behind Google Doodles, our goal was to enrich the Google Search landing page with engaging and interactive experiences for users. From whimsical games like Solitaire and Pac-Man to cultural celebrations for Ramadan, we aimed to bring joy and engagement directly to users’ fingertips. My role involved working intimately with the doodle team to develop a design framework that seamlessly integrated these experiences into the Google search results page, focusing on intuitive game layouts and controls for an enhanced user interaction.

Creating Interactive Joy
with Google Doodles.

Leveraging a blend of art and technology, we aimed to craft doodles that were not just visually appealing but also interactive. From celebrating historical figures to marking significant global events, each doodle was a gateway to a richer, more engaging user experience.

As a creative partner with the Google Doodles team, I embarked on a journey to infuse the Google Search landing page with moments of delight and engagement. Our mission was to transcend traditional search experiences, making each visit to Google a chance to learn, play, and celebrate.

A New Dimension of Engagement

Our collaborative efforts led to a significant increase in user interaction with Google Doodles. By turning everyday searches into opportunities for play and education, we contributed to making the Google Search landing page a source of unexpected joy and discovery for millions worldwide.

This project was a testament to the power of collaborative innovation in creating experiences that resonate with users across the globe. It reinforced my belief in the importance of design that not only looks good but also engages, educates, and inspires.